This collection is composed of 161 audiocassettes (0.5 c.f.), dating from 1986 to 1994, with the bulk dating from 1990-1994, and 83 open reel recordings (.86 c.f.), dating from 1980-1991. A numerical control system had been previously applied by JPL Audiovisual Services which designated most of the audiocassettes by an AVA number followed by the year and an assigned number. The AVA numbering system identified and tracked the audiocassettes as they were produced and distributed. The open reel tapes have no AVA number assigned to them. In some cases, a work order number is shown along with the date of recording. In some instances, sequential numbers were assigned. The audiocassettes have been arranged by their AVA number in ascending numerical order under the cassette title of SSORCE (Systems, Software, and Operations Resource Center). Non-AVA dated and undated cassettes were placed at the end of the sequence. The open reel tapes are arranged by ascending date order, with a work order number serving as a guide if there is no date shown. When there is no date or work order number, the tape is placed at the end of the sequence. Both types of recordings show identifying information such as the date of creation, the title of the flight project, a brief content description, and recording location, often in JPL's von Kármán Auditorium. Running times in hours/minutes were generally not given. The format for the audiocassettes is ơ" inch magnetic recording tape of varying lengths (60, 90, 120 minutes), housed in individual plastic containers. The open reel tapes are ơ" wide x 600 feet in length, or ơ" wide x 1200 feet in length, and are housed in individual boxes. The varied information content of the cassette recordings reflects the varied development of the various projects at JPL. They include workshops and seminars covering the flight projects CRAF-Cassini, Galileo, and Ulysses. The Mars Observer Project Series cassettes describe the spacecraft and software development. There are also recordings featuring noontime presentations, lectures and employee information seminars, technology seminars, and computer-aided engineering workshops. Information content of the open reel tapes in this collection includes Voyager Saturn Encounter, Voyager Uranus Encounter, Voyager Neptune Encounter, Mobile Satellite Experiment (MSAT-X), Deep Space Network (DSN), Ulysses, Magellan, Topex at Fairchild, and Miscellaneous. Several of the open reel recordings seem to be sound tracks recorded at the time motion pictures were taken of the same event.